We offer a multitude of private and group rock clinics in the Wasatch for climbers who want to take their skills to the next level. If you are uncertain of where to go next we are happy to help guide you on the right path. The following clinics can be taken as a progression of classes or on an individual basis. Book today to schedule your climbing based educational clinic!

Outdoor Sport Climbing
Are you lead climb and belay certified inside and ready to venture out? If so, this is the course for you! We will teach you how to apply your clipping and rope management skills to real rock, as well as how to clean a sport climb after you lead it.
Topics Include:
-Review lead climbing and belaying best practices
-The differences between gym and outdoor climbing
-Ways to mitigate risk and avoid hazardous situations
-Site Selection
-Leave No Trace for climbers
-Equipment selection and use
-Building a quick-draw anchor
-Cleaning a sport route via lowering and rappelling
-Lead Climbing​
Available: 5/31, 6/28, 8/02
Trip Duration: 7 hours
Group Ratio: 4:1 max
Intro to Trad
“Trad”, or traditional, climbing means placing protection on lead and building anchors with removable, re-usable equipment that fits into cracks in the rock. While most trad-climbers no longer trust their lives to a machine nut with some string tied through it, learning how to place modern equipment securely takes practice and a creative mind. Get started with each in this exciting new course!
Topics Include:
-Site selection
-Assessing rock quality
-Passive protection
-Active protection
-Placement strategy
-Building pre-equalized anchors
-Sling use and racking
-Leave No Trace for climbers
-Lead Climbing
Available: 6/1, 6/22, 7/19
Trip Duration: 8 hours
Group Ratio: 3:1 max
Multi-Pitch Clinic
Learn to climb several pitches off the ground on an all-day adventure. This is rock climbing in its purest form and we will cover the techniques to set you up for success!
Topics Include:
-Anchor building
-Rope management
-Belaying and lowering from above
-Multi stage rappel
-Leading considerations
-Gear placement and cleaning review
-Lead Climbing
Available: 6/08, 7/13
Trip Duration: 8hrs
Group Ratio: 2:1 max
Single Pitch Self Rescue
The importance of the ability and knowledge to self rescue in the event of an unforeseen emergency is often neglected by climbers. Even in the single pitch setting, many seemingly complicated problems can be readily mitigated with appropriate know-how and preparedness.
Topics Include:
-Lead climber rescue from below
-Ascending a belay line
-Counter Balanced Rappel
-Dealing with a damaged belay line
-Passing a knot while belaying
-Evacuating a climb as a leader with a compromised belayer
Competence with belay and rappel techniques
Available: Privately Available - 2 person minimum
Trip Duration: 6 hrs
Group Ratio: 5:1
Multi-Pitch Self Rescue
Self rescue in the multi pitch setting can poses to climbers ample opportunity for difficulties. Being able to implement techniques from a diverse bag of tricks is critical, but with this said several core skills can be applied in numerous contexts. We aim to get you more confident with your skills to help you avoid being marooned on the wall.
Topics Include:
-Escaping the belay
-Lowering a follower from a loaded belay plaquette
-Dealing with a damaged belay strand
-Passing a knot at the belay
-Raising a follower
-Rappelling to your follower and ascending back up.
-Counter Balanced Rappel
-Tandem Rappel
-Load transfers
-Competence with belay and rappel techniques
-Multi-pitch lead climbing experience
Available: Privately Available - 2 person minimum
Trip Duration: 8 hrs
Group Ratio: 4:1
Aid Climbing Skills Course
In this clinic you’ll learn how to lead and follow low angle, vertical, and overhanging aid routes. We’ll use gear you are familiar with as well as specialized aid equipment that will be new to you. At the conclusion of the clinic you’ll have the skills to climb single-day C1 and C2 routes like those found on desert towers around Moab and walls in Zion National Park.
Topics Include:
-Efficient Clean Aid Progression
-Aid Rope Systems
-Efficient Ascending
-Lowering Out
-Risk Management
-Traditional Multi-Pitch Lead Climbing
Available: 5/10-5/11, 5/17-5/18, 5/24-5/25 or privately booked
Trip Duration: 2 Days (two 8 hr sessions)
Group Ratio: 4:1
Big Wall Skills Course
In this clinic you’ll learn how to plan for big walls, everything about haul bags, all about porta-ledges, and how to maximize your chances of success on routes like The Nose of El Capitan.
Topics Include:
-Efficient Hauling
-Ledge Set Up
-Wall Life skills
-Aid Rope Systems
-Risk Management
-Aid Climbing
-Traditional Multi-Pitch Lead Climbing
Available: privately booked
Trip Duration: 2 Days (two 8 hr sessions)
Group Ratio: 4:1